TANK GRADE 304/444/316

Durable and hygienic water supply storage that’s easy to assemble and adapt to changing needs.
About Sunnik by Sunnik Trusted Liquid Storage Panel Tank Supplier
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Performance of Stainless Steel

Strength Vs Corrosion Resistance
Stainless Steel Performance by Sunnik Trusted Liquid Storage Panel Tank Supplier
  • Moda – Mildly corrosive environments (PRE up to 17)
  • Core – Corrosive environments (PRE 17 to 22)
  • Supra – Highly corrosive environments (PRE 22 to 27)
  • Forta – Duplex and other high strength (PRE 18 to 43)
  • Ultra – Extremely corrosive environments (PRE > 27)
Elongation vs corrosion resistance
Stainless Steel Performance by Sunnik Trusted Liquid Storage Panel Tank Supplier

Values for Rp 0.2 yield strength and the A80 for elongation are according to EN 10088-2 min. values for cold rolled strip. Chemical compositions and PRE calculations are based on Outokumpu typical values. Please see values for other product forms at

Note: No stainless steel survives more than 8% HCI concentration at room temperature.

Grade Yield
streng th
Rp0.2 (MPa)
streng th
Rm (MPa)
China G201 210 390 30
China G409 279 412 34
304 220 520-700 52
444 300 420-640
316L 240 530-680 46

Stainless Steel Performance by Sunnik Trusted Liquid Storage Panel Tank Supplier
Chemical composition (Table 1)
Steel name
EN ASTM/UNS C N Cr Ni Mo Others
FDX 25 1.4635 S82012 ⩽ 0.05 0.16-0.26 19.0-20.5 0.8-1.5 0.1-0.6 2.0-4.0Mn
FDX 27 1.4637 S82031 ⩽ 0.04 0.14-0.24 19.0-22.0 2.0-4.0 0.6-1.4 ⩽ 2.5Mn
LDX 2101 1.4162 S32101 0.03 0.22 21.5 1.5 0.3 5Mn
2304 1.4362 S32304 0.02 0.10 23.0 4.8 0.3 Cu
4307 1.4307 304L 0.02 18.1 8.1
4404 1.4404 316L 0.02 17.2 10.1 2.1

1 For FDX 25TM and FDX 27TM the range in chemical composition is given.
2 Also available as EDX 2304TM with modified composition for enhanced properties.

Mechanical properties, room temperature (Table 2)
Steel name
Rp0.2 Rm A50 Rp0.2 Rm A50
MPa MPa % MPa MPa %
FDX 25 600 800 40 500 700 35
FDX 27 620 810 38 500 700 35
LDX 2101 610 810 30 530 700 30
2304 620 790 27 400 600 25
4307 300 600 52 170 485 40
4404 290 590 46 170 485 40

1 Typical values for FDX 25TM and FDX 27TM are in the process of being established.
2 Minimum values according to ASTM A 240, for coil and strip ≤5mm.


General Application A potable water and food grade quality for water storage or corrosive liquid. Stainless steel tank is also suitable for corrosive or seaside environment
Approvals & Certifications Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN)
TUV SUD PSB Singapore to SS22 : 1979
Type 'SUNNIK' stainless steel grade 304, 444 and 316 (L) low carbon
Dimension Each panel steel of size 1.0m X 1.0mm or 1.22m X 1.22m square bolted in multiple to suit storage capacity or size
Material specifications Stainless steel material according to EN 10088-1:2005 & ASTM A240. Steel plates shall be manufactured according to BS EN 10240. The tank panels, stays, cleats and pads shall be manufactured according to BS1564:1975 or SS22:1979. Material shall be of local or European mills
Panel Hydraulically pressed with a combined double flanges welding at an angle of 45 &90 or 90 to the face of the panel on all four sides complete with bolts holes
Reinforcement Tank is supported either internally bracing (stays) and cleats (brackets) or externally by cold-formed hollow sections or I - Beam to ensure rigidity of tank up to maximum operating level. The internal acces sories i.e stays and cleats shall of equivalent stainless steel grade of panel with double washer at bottom tier of tank for 4.88M height tank
Seismic (Earthquake) Up to 1.5G with external reinforcement
Bolts, Nuts & Washer Hexagonal shaped and shall be of similar grade of panel
Sealant Non-toxic and non-contaminating PVC Foam strips is supplied for jointing between flanges of panel and cleats for water tightness. Sealant shall be tested to BS6920:2000 and NSF61 approved
Roof cover & Airvent Hydraulically pressed panel cover of 1m X 1m or 1 * 22 X 1 * 22m of similar to size and type (material), fabricated with 619mm lockable manhole access and insect proof vent for each compartment of tank. Min. clearance of 750mm at roof top for ease of access via manhole hatch. 100 Air vent shall be rust and vermin proof.
Ladders Standard internal or similar height and finishes of panel. External ladder(s) can be of similar finish with tank or hot dipped galvanized to ISO 1461. Safety cage for external ladder as optional for tank height above 3mH
Level Indicator Stainless steel or hot dip galvanized to ISO 1461:2009 indirect reading mechanical level indicator (ruler type)
Other option(s) - PVC transparent tube direct reading indicator calibrate in metel with float and valves can be supplied on request
Tank support (by others) I-Beam or R.C. tank support shall be effective supported continuously under each bottom panel flange in one direction @1000mm or 1200mm centres exceeding 150mm the length or breath of tank
Min. 500mmH from ground level and min. clearance of 500mm shall be provided all around tank perimeter for erection and maintenance purpose
Steel capping flat shall be provided on tank plinth for tank above 3mH
Pipe connections & nozzles Flange material connected to tank shall be equivalent to tank finish and all piping connected to tank must have its own support and vibration free to tank
Cleaning and Sterilization The welded area at panel 45 & 90 on all four sides shall be tested with Dye Penetrant test to avoid pinholes. All welded area shall be cleaned with pickling acid and passivated to protect against contamination and corrosion. Panel handling and sterilization of finish panel shall conform to American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI) procedures
Packing Each panel shall be protected with protective sheet to avoid contamination during handling. Wooden pallet packing and strapping are provided for protection
Thickness of Tank Panels size(s): 1M x 1M or 1.22M x 1.22M)
Tank Height: 1m/1.22m : Bottom, sides walls - 2.0mm
Tank Height: 2m/2.44m :
Tank installation Tank shall be installed in according to manufactures installation manual, specifications, standards & drawing provided or supervise by manufacturer authorized person
Leak test Leak teat with water felling at intermediate level of 1m or 122m and to be repeated until it reaches the intended water level
Panel Hydraulically pressed with a combined double flanges welding at an angle of 45 & 90 or 90 to the face of the panel on all four sides complete with bolts holes
Reinforcement Tank is supported either internally bracing (stays) and cleats (brackets) or externally by cold-formed hollow sections or I-Beam to ensure rigidity of tank up to maximum operating level. The internal accessories i.e stays and cleats shall of equivalent stainless steel grade of panel with double washer at bottom tier of tank for 4.88M height tank

General Application

A potable water and food grade quality for water storage or corrosive liquid. Stainless steel tank is also suitable for corrosive or seaside environment

Approvals & Certifications

Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN)
TUV SUD PSB Singapore to SS22 : 1979


'SUNNIK' stainless steel grade 304, 444 and 316 (L) low carbon


Each panel steel of size 1.0m X 1.0mm or 1.22m X 1.22m square bolted in multiple to suit storage capacity or size

Material specifications

Stainless steel material according to EN 10088-1:2005 & ASTM A240. Steel plates shall be manufactured according to BS EN 10240. The tank panels, stays, cleats and pads shall be manufactured according to BS1564:1975 or SS22:1979. Material shall be of local or European mills


Hydraulically pressed with a combined double flanges welding at an angle of 45 &90 or 90 to the face of the panel on all four sides complete with bolts holes


Tank is supported either internally bracing (stays) and cleats (brackets) or externally by cold-formed hollow sections or I - Beam to ensure rigidity of tank up to maximum operating level. The internal acces sories i.e stays and cleats shall of equivalent stainless steel grade of panel with double washer at bottom tier of tank for 4.88M height tank

Seismic (Earthquake)

Up to 1.5G with external reinforcement

Bolts, Nuts & Washer

Hexagonal shaped and shall be of similar grade of panel


Non-toxic and non-contaminating PVC Foam strips is supplied for jointing between flanges of panel and cleats for water tightness. Sealant shall be tested to BS6920:2000 and NSF61 approved

Roof cover & Airvent

Hydraulically pressed panel cover of 1m X 1m or 1 * 22 X 1 * 22m of similar to size and type (material), fabricated with 619mm lockable manhole access and insect proof vent for each compartment of tank. Min. clearance of 750mm at roof top for ease of access via manhole hatch. 100 Air vent shall be rust and vermin proof.


Standard internal or similar height and finishes of panel. External ladder(s) can be of similar finish with tank or hot dipped galvanized to ISO 1461. Safety cage for external ladder as optional for tank height above 3mH

Level Indicator

Stainless steel or hot dip galvanized to ISO 1461:2009 indirect reading mechanical level indicator (ruler type)
Other option(s) - PVC transparent tube direct reading indicator calibrate in metel with float and valves can be supplied on request

Tank support (by others)

I-Beam or R.C. tank support shall be effective supported continuously under each bottom panel flange in one direction @1000mm or 1200mm centres exceeding 150mm the length or breath of tank
Min. 500mmH from ground level and min. clearance of 500mm shall be provided all around tank perimeter for erection and maintenance purpose
Steel capping flat shall be provided on tank plinth for tank above 3mH

Pipe connections & nozzles

Flange material connected to tank shall be equivalent to tank finish and all piping connected to tank must have its own support and vibration free to tank

Cleaning and Sterilization

The welded area at panel 45 & 90 on all four sides shall be tested with Dye Penetrant test to avoid pinholes. All welded area shall be cleaned with pickling acid and passivated to protect against contamination and corrosion. Panel handling and sterilization of finish panel shall conform to American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI) procedures


Each panel shall be protected with protective sheet to avoid contamination during handling. Wooden pallet packing and strapping are provided for protection

Thickness of Tank Panels size(s): 1M x 1M or 1.22M x 1.22M)
Tank Height: 1m/1.22m : Bottom, sides walls - 2.0mm
Tank Height: 2m/2.44m :

Tank installation

Tank shall be installed in according to manufactures installation manual, specifications, standards & drawing provided or supervise by manufacturer authorized person

Leak test

Leak teat with water felling at intermediate level of 1m or 122m and to be repeated until it reaches the intended water level


Hydraulically pressed with a combined double flanges welding at an angle of 45 & 90 or 90 to the face of the panel on all four sides complete with bolts holes


Tank is supported either internally bracing (stays) and cleats (brackets) or externally by cold-formed hollow sections or I-Beam to ensure rigidity of tank up to maximum operating level. The internal accessories i.e stays and cleats shall of equivalent stainless steel grade of panel with double washer at bottom tier of tank for 4.88M height tank

  1. Manufacturing specifications & design are subject to change without prior notice
  2. Manufacturing specifications can be customised subject to mutual agreement, manufacturer standards and safety factors
  3. Service water temperature and pH shall be at ambient temperature (38°C) and neutral and constantly maintained at its intended water level
  4. For tank finish selection and suitability, kindly seek manufacturer advice

Project References

Stainless Steel 316L Water Tank

Burj Khalifa, Dubai

Stainless Steel 316L Water Tank

Central Sugar, Kuala Lumpur

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